Investing means increasing the value of your money. To repay a loan, to save for childrens’ education, to plan for retirement, to start a new business, to meet unexpected medical expenses – everyone needs to grow their money.
Financial goals vary from person to person, but everyone needs to invest – To turn their dreams into Reality!
As the famous American investor and business magnate Warren Buffet once said- “Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving.”
With today’s low interest rates, it is difficult to find a savings account that can give you a return above the current inflation rate. So it is worth investing in various financial instruments which have the potential to outperform inflation.
Investors should analyse their risk appetite and their investment profile before taking the plunge. Once you analyse your investment profile, you can decide which category you fit in. Those coming from diverse professional and financial backgrounds across genders and all ages can make investments to secure their future.
Some of the common categories of investors are- Long term investors, investors seeking short-term but high returns, young investors having a high risk appetite, and small investors looking to increase their hard-earned money by investing small amounts.
- Every household can, should, and needs to participate in digital bullion investments.
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- People are motivated by causes; therefore, for safety and security, every investor should convert his or her physical assets to digital assets.